Monthly Archives: August 2013

Logo - Powered by Google App Engine - Source:

September 3, 12:30pm, ALT-F1 presents Google Appengine during the 3rd Tech Talk at ICAB #betacowork #Free

ALT-F1 presents, during the third Tech Talk at ICAB [2], how do we use Google Appengine [3], cloud platform [4] made available by Google. The topics [1] are briefly described on a previous post the values and business model behind Google Appengine why do we use Google Appengine the software architecture how to profile your […]

Bootstrap Twitter 3 - credits:

All #Bootstrap3 templates converted into #Jade including #nodejs #gruntjs #twbootstrap #expressjs

Bootstrap 3 is released! We have converted all Bootstrap Examples using Jade templating system to facilitate the bootstrapping of our projects. We have open sourced the templates on the ALT-F1′s public source code repository: Feel free to give us your feedback or create an issue if you find any bug. Complete templates list: starter-template carousel grid jumbotron jumbotron-narrow justified-nav navbar navbar-fixed-top […]

Bootstrap Twitter 3 - credits:

New #Bootstrap3 templates converted into #Jade including some technologies #nodejs #gruntjs #twbootstrap #expressjs

Bootstrap 3 is released! That’s the reason why we are translating the html templates into Jade template to facilitate the bootstrapping of our projects. We have open sourced the templates on the ALT-F1′s public source code repository : Feel free to give us your feedback or create an issue if you find any bug. Templates list translated so far: starter-template carousel […]

Bootstrap Twitter 3 - credits:

Carousel template converted into Jade #Bootstrap3 #nodejs #gruntjs #twbootstrap #expressjs #jade

As discussed earlier, Bootstrap 3 is released! The template presenting a carousel has been converted to match the  Jade templating syntax. You can find the templates already converted on the ALT-F1′s public source code repository : Feel free to give us your feedback or create an issue if you find any bug. Related articles Free Bootstrap 3 template […]

Free Bootstrap 3 template converted into Jade @nodejs @gruntjs @twbootstrap #expressjs #jade

Twitter Bootstrap 3 is just released! Using Bootstrap reduces drastically your design costs as you write only once the web applications that will perfectly be rendered by desktop machines, smartphones or tablets.  At ALT-F1 we use certain tools to reduce our cost of development : e.g. Jade, django. Those tools force our team to adapt the Bootstrap templates to […]

nodejs-mongodb - credits:

The MEN Stack: MongoDB, ExpressJS and Node.js

After having read the blog post named “The MEAN Stack: MongoDB, ExpressJS, AngularJS and Node.js” by Valeri Karpov we decided to take a look at those technologies. Some researches have leaded us to two books:  Professional Node JS and the Secrets of the JavaScript Ninja book. Based on our readings we decided to implement several chapters from the Professional […]